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Valentine’s Day 2002 Teaching Tip lesson plan

Aims: To give reading practice – stage 2
To review vocabulary/structure – stage 3
To make stds aware of ‘rhythm’ – stage 1
To give freer speaking practice- stage 4

HIV/AIDS and Contemporary Population Dynamics

* To describe the spread and occurence of HIV/AIDS at multiple scales
* To explain global and regional variations in the occurence of HIV/AIDS
* To understand the spread of HIV/AIDS in the United States

Thanksgiving Then And Now

Create a Venn diagram to compare the Pilgrim’s “First Thanksgiving” with today’s Thanksgiving celebration.

Make a Mummy: The Science of Mummification

Learn about the history and science of mummification by making an apple (or chicken) mummy.

Lesson Plan for Dr. Martin Luther King Day: I Have a Dream

Walk with Martin Luther King, Jr. on his historic march on Washington, hear parts of his inspirational speech, ?I Have a Dream? and envision your own dreams of freedom for all Americans and the people of the world.