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Common Core Math Grade 6 Division with Fractions

In Grade 5, students divided whole numbers by unit fractions.
Students continue this understanding in Grade 6 by using visual models and equations to divide whole numbers by fractions and fractions by fractions to solve word problems.
In Grade 7, students will continue their work with fractions to include all rational number operations (positive and negative). Students

Halloween Story with Portrayal Movement

To imitate action words in the story. To engage in cumulative movement patterns.

The Telling: A Thanksgiving Story

With the use of literature, students compare and contrast different points of view on the first Thanksgiving.


Students will understand why Hanukkah is important to the Jewish people.

2. Students will be able to recognize that symbols and customs have meaning in celebrations. They help us remember what we are celebrating.

Let’s Go to the Beach

Children will learn about the beach and its inhabitants – go on an imaginary field trip in the winter to cure the winter blahs.